Fall Wardrobe Inspiration: Toddler Girl

During my pregnancy when I learned I was going to have a baby girl, I was so excited. Mostly to have a little girl to become best friends with someday. But also just excited about all the girly things! Picking out adorable outfits, bows, shoes for her to wear, doing fun things like getting our nails done together...
Now that she's a toddler she has a little bit more of an opinion about what she wears--she does NOT tolerate bows or headbands anymore. I'm hoping she will come back around when she gets a little older, though!
Anyways, even though she has a little more of an opinion, I still find it extremely fun to pick out her outfits and dress her up. It seems like baby and toddler clothes are evolving from very baby-ish to more mini-mama styles lately. I love that I can pick clothes for Skyler to wear that then mimic my outfits. Is there anything more fun than matching with your baby girl?! #LifeGoals
I will admit because of my excitement, that up until now, baby girl's closet has been way TOO full! I am vowing this year to simplify her clothing. She does not need a huge selection of items. Just a few classic and basic pieces that will carry her through the season.

Here are some items that I'm going to be filling Skyler's closet with for this fall.

Add to this a few basic onesies/t-shirts and socks and there you have it!
These items are almost exclusively from Old Navy. There are a few items from Carter's too. I love how the clothes from both of those stores hold up and they seem to fit my kids the best. 
I also love that they don't break the bank. Especially since, at this age, I know Skyler will only get about 1 or maybe 2 seasons out of these clothes.

What kinds of outfits do you have your eye on for your little girl this fall? I'd love to see!